Last Road Trip of 2012…

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Travels

12th of December, Wednesday. December is my favorite month, although it’s cold, chilly, rainy over here, still, I like December the most. 😛 Anyway, since this will be the last month I’ll be here in the states, I planned this very last road trip. Besides visiting some nice places, also taking this opportunity to visit some friends in CA. Starting from Hillsboro, drove almost 10 hours to Redwood National Park, San Jose, Santa Clara, all the way down to Los Angeles, visiting Universal Studio again (because of free entry on annual pass), and then stopped by Folsom, going up to Lake Tahoe, and then come back. 🙂

Blazers vs. Rockets

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Misc

16th of November, Friday. Finally the long awaited game between Blazers and Rockets.
This is my first self-purchased NBA game that I specifically bought the tickets for, because of somebody wanted to see Jeremy Lin. :/
But this is really a good game. Blazers beat Houston with 111 : 108 in overtime quarter. First game ever for me to be sweated and getting excited even on the very last second. >.< Really GG! [gallery template="file-gallery" columns="5"] 十一月十六日,星期五。終於等到今天波特蘭開拓者對壘休斯頓火箭的籃球比賽了!這是我在這裡,第一次花錢自己去訂購籃球賽的入門票,為了某人要看火箭隊的林書豪。 :/ 不過,今天的比賽還真的很精彩!雖然一開始有點悶,不過後來當開拓者把分數拉近,再反敗為勝的那一刻,每個人都捏了把冷汗,全部人都站了起來,比賽更因為第四局打平而有了延長賽,氣氛簡直漲爆了整個會場,這裡波特蘭的支持者更是個個瘋狂大喊大叫,比跟我之前第一次看比賽的情況根本沒得比,真的是一場打得精彩的比賽!

My Last Autumn in Oregon :(

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Daily Life

3rd November, Saturday. Two more days it’ll be officially my second year in Oregon. I can still vividly remember back in year 2010, the day I touched down @Portland on 5th of November, with so many complicated emotions, yet today I am still amazed that I’ve been here for good 2 years! o.O


Another visit to Crater Lake

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Daily Life, Photography

After 30mins hike, a shot from Watchman tower15th of September, Saturday. Out of the blue, I visited the most amazing lake of Oregon again. And yes, it was a five hours drive from Hillsboro to Crater Lake. I didn’t plan much on this trip, just follow my mood, look around, and shoot some photos of-course. Nothing much to note here, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. 🙂


Sunset Mood

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Daily Life, Photography

My apartment :)1st of September, Saturday. I’ve been sick for the past week. >.< So, my 'adventure' to the central Oregon need to be delayed. Ah, we only have very short summer over here. That's what made me worried. >.< However, for the past few days, I still insists to stroll around Hillsboro for some sunset shots. These few days are the 'rare' long holidays for American, because Monday is our Labor Day, and most people will go far away for road trip or whatever, but I'll need to rest myself enough at home. 🙁

Site last updated April 29, 2018 @ 4:40 pm