Blazers vs. Rockets

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Misc

16th of November, Friday. Finally the long awaited game between Blazers and Rockets.
This is my first self-purchased NBA game that I specifically bought the tickets for, because of somebody wanted to see Jeremy Lin. :/
But this is really a good game. Blazers beat Houston with 111 : 108 in overtime quarter. First game ever for me to be sweated and getting excited even on the very last second. >.< Really GG! [gallery template="file-gallery" columns="5"] 十一月十六日,星期五。終於等到今天波特蘭開拓者對壘休斯頓火箭的籃球比賽了!這是我在這裡,第一次花錢自己去訂購籃球賽的入門票,為了某人要看火箭隊的林書豪。 :/ 不過,今天的比賽還真的很精彩!雖然一開始有點悶,不過後來當開拓者把分數拉近,再反敗為勝的那一刻,每個人都捏了把冷汗,全部人都站了起來,比賽更因為第四局打平而有了延長賽,氣氛簡直漲爆了整個會場,這裡波特蘭的支持者更是個個瘋狂大喊大叫,比跟我之前第一次看比賽的情況根本沒得比,真的是一場打得精彩的比賽!

The Question for Pre-School

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Misc

Interesting Question

I saw this question circulating in Facebook for quite some time, never bother to try it until one day I was too free, and I tried it. =.= Honestly, really took me sometime to get the answer, almost like 15mins just keep on trying different solutions. End up the solution is sooooo simple, which is really ‘amazing’. >.< Try it and tell me how long you took to get the answer. 😉 常常在面子書上看到這個問題,但是都沒有去嘗試。直到有一天真的無聊了就試試看解答。結果,我真的花了蠻長的時間才知道答案。當我知道答案的當兒,還真的是又氣又好笑。=.= 因為實在太簡單了,而我竟然用了不懂幾十種的方程式去解答,實在太可笑了,果然越是想太多的人,就越難找到答案。試試看吧,讓我知道你花了多久的時間才知道答案。如果你花了超過一個小時,恭喜你,你真的“太聰明”了,所以聰明反被聰明誤。;)

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Misc


5th October, Wednesday. Today, has a new main page. Simply showing their respect to the deceased founder, Steve Jobs. I am not a fans of ‘i’products, but I am impressed by his creativity, passion and attitudes towards his career and his life. I read about his commencement speech long time ago, inspiring and encouraging. In the speech, these four words, gave me the most impact.

Year 2011

Written by CooKies™. Posted in Misc

Recently quite busy with work, a bit lazy to update stuff already. 😛 Anyway, just now read some interesting stuff from FB, note it down.
