Blazers vs. Rockets

Written by CooKies™ on. Posted in Misc

16th of November, Friday. Finally the long awaited game between Blazers and Rockets.
This is my first self-purchased NBA game that I specifically bought the tickets for, because of somebody wanted to see Jeremy Lin. :/
But this is really a good game. Blazers beat Houston with 111 : 108 in overtime quarter. First game ever for me to be sweated and getting excited even on the very last second. >.< Really GG! [gallery template="file-gallery" columns="5"] 十一月十六日,星期五。終於等到今天波特蘭開拓者對壘休斯頓火箭的籃球比賽了!這是我在這裡,第一次花錢自己去訂購籃球賽的入門票,為了某人要看火箭隊的林書豪。 :/ 不過,今天的比賽還真的很精彩!雖然一開始有點悶,不過後來當開拓者把分數拉近,再反敗為勝的那一刻,每個人都捏了把冷汗,全部人都站了起來,比賽更因為第四局打平而有了延長賽,氣氛簡直漲爆了整個會場,這裡波特蘭的支持者更是個個瘋狂大喊大叫,比跟我之前第一次看比賽的情況根本沒得比,真的是一場打得精彩的比賽!

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One day, CooKies received an assignment to make the best peanut butter in the world. Hence, he decided to runaway to this place: Hillsboro, OREGON in US, for an estimated of 365days to complete his assignment. There are a lot of tough nuts over there, but he believes that: "Tough nuts always make the best peanut butter!" :)

Comments (2)

  • Hahn


    It seems like you are quite far from the stadium, fun watching it? Jeremy Lin apa…… houston rocket we see the beard fella. James harden, Nice basketball cap by the way.


  • CooKies™


    Haha, it’s considered close already lo. if you need closer, the ticket price fly up to like $200+ =.=lll and you’re right, that beard fella really cool. haha


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