Bersih 3.0, GPTR in Hillsboro, Portland

Written by CooKies™ on. Posted in Work Related

八月三十一日,星期三。今天是馬來西亞的國慶日。為了要慶祝這特別的節日,我參與了這裡所舉辦的“淨跑”。:P 為何叫“淨跑”?看看這活動所制定的T恤就知道了,黃色!還是在國慶日這天!這就是為馬來西亞所舉辦的“淨跑”!

…嘻嘻,好啦,是我瞎掰的啦。:P 其實,這是我們公司一年一度的跑步活動,吸引了蠻多的員工參賽,也同時讓員工和家人們一起享受夏天跑步的樂趣,的確是“跑步的好地方”。說起來,這也是我第一次參與這樣的活動。最後一次參與跑步的活動應該是差不多六、七年前的事情了吧。所以我才選擇了跑五公里,如果是十公里,我想我應該回不來吧。=.= 哈哈,我還特意在一個星期前每天至少在家附近跑一跑,鍛煉一下,不然還真的擔心可能連五公里都無法完成呢。:P

31st of August, Wednesday. Today is Malaysia’s National Day. To celebrate this special day over here, I joined the “Bersih Run”. 😛 Why I call it “Bersih Run”? See what’s the colour of our shirts? Yes, it’s the colour of Bersih! This is part of Intel’s GPTW (Great Place To Work) event: GPTR (Great Place To Run), attracted over thousands of employees and their family members, together running for “Bersih”!…?!… Ok, I admit I made this up. 😛 Anyway, this is my first time after so many years, participate in such a race. I opted for the 5k run, because I don’t think I can finish the 10k. 5km run, sounds easy for others but not for me. I tried to exercise and train up myself a week before the run, so that at least I can somehow finish the run without problem. 😛

這競跑活動在下午一點四十五分開始。雖然今天是陰天,溫度大約只有七十五華氏,但是還算蠻舒服的。我一開始還能不斷跑啊跑,到了一半就開始累了,就唯有半跑半走。終於我也完成了這五公里的路程,用了大約四十分鐘。=.= 唉,人家跑十公里的,只用了三十七分鐘,跑五公里的,只用了短短的十五分鐘。我還真的蠻“瞎衰”的,體能真的太差了。真的需要多點運動,鍛煉一下身體才行。>.< The run started at 1.45pm. Although it was a cloudy day, temperature was around 75F, but still it was quite comfortable for running. At first, I ran, ran, ran. Tired, then walked, ran, walked, ran. Finally I finished the 5k in 40mins. >.< FYI, the fastest guy for 10k, finished the run using only 36mins, and for the 5k, the fastest guy took only 16mins. I am really bad in stamina, really need to do more exercise. >.< 無論如何,這競跑活動還真的蠻不錯。除了工作,適量的運動和自我挑戰還是必要的。:P Anyway, the run was fun and I enjoyed it so much. It's good to exercise and challenge ourselves once in a while. 😛

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One day, CooKies received an assignment to make the best peanut butter in the world. Hence, he decided to runaway to this place: Hillsboro, OREGON in US, for an estimated of 365days to complete his assignment. There are a lot of tough nuts over there, but he believes that: "Tough nuts always make the best peanut butter!" :)

Comments (1)

  • Hahn


    Wow. I thought you yellow up on US. Lol me yellow too. Digi though. Muahaha.


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