Written by CooKies™ on. Posted in Daily Life

4th October, Tuesday. Rain… =.=
Well, after weeks of busy work, finally I got some time (and probably the mood, kick my lazy butt) to update this. Nothing really special these few weeks, except busy rushing the project. And, probably the ‘hot topic’ among us recently: the weather. What’s so special about the weather? Hm….because it’s the root cause for S.A.D. What’s that?

Well, a quick googling gives you: S.A.D = Seasonal Affective Disorder. It happens to people over here. Not particular here only, but I mean those places that don’t get to see sun that often. :/ (I am sure Malaysian won’t get this, because you guys got too much sun anyway.) Yea, Summer is gone, Fall started and Winter’s soon. For Oregonian, there’s not much difference between Fall and Winter, because it’s only RAIN or NO RAIN. =.= period. Dark sky all the way till next year, no wonder they look so SAD, and get S.A.D so easily. I think I might get it too. :/

最近幾個星期都在忙工作,今天終於有時間上來更新一下了。其實最近都忙於工作,也沒什麼特別事情值得更新。唯一最近特別多談到的話題,就是這:S.A.D 季节性情绪失调,或者叫做冬季憂鬱症。話說這裡(俄勒岡州)的自殺率還蠻高的,其中一個原因就是因為這裡的天氣。這裡的人都比較容易患上憂鬱症,因為很少有機會見到太陽。對於馬來西亞的我們來說,根本不可能會S.A.D,因為太陽太多了。現在這裡,夏天已經過去了,秋天剛開始,冬天也將來臨。對於這裡的人來說,秋天和冬天的分別其實都不大,因為除了溫度比較低以外,每一天就只有:下雨,或者沒下雨。想像一下,每天都天黑黑,下雨天,從現在一直維持到明年的春天,也難怪他們會那麼地SAD(難過),還有那麼容易患上S.A.D(季節性情緒失調)。我覺得如果長期如此,我也有可能會。:P

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One day, CooKies received an assignment to make the best peanut butter in the world. Hence, he decided to runaway to this place: Hillsboro, OREGON in US, for an estimated of 365days to complete his assignment. There are a lot of tough nuts over there, but he believes that: "Tough nuts always make the best peanut butter!" :)

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