Ducky’s Peachy-Pig Farm

Written by CooKies™ on. Posted in Photography

六月二十六日,星期日。下午时,同事邀我一起到一个农场去採樱桃,结果樱桃还没收成,就只有草莓能够採,我们就採了一些的草莓回去。这农场其实还蛮大的,而且原来在这里除了这农场以外,还有很多的农场呢。今年农场的樱桃收成有点迟了,不过採回来的草莓还蛮好吃的,而且又便宜!你还可以边採边试吃,哈哈,算是个蛮有趣的经验,毕竟我还是第一次在农场里採草莓。:P 不过几个星期后我们还会再去,是採樱桃的时候了!

26th of June, Sunday. In the evening, my colleague asked me to went for cherry picking, but end up the cherries are not ready yet, so we went to this Ducky’s Peachy-Pig Farm for Strawberry Picking instead. The farm is quite big and now only I know there are actually quite some farms nearby Hillsboro. Well, this year the cherries are a bit late in season, but strawberries also nice though, most importantly is cheap! haha, and you can taste first before you pick more. A nice experience visiting a farm, not to say this is my first time picking strawberries in a farm. 😛 And, in fact we’ll be back again after few weeks for the cherries!

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One day, CooKies received an assignment to make the best peanut butter in the world. Hence, he decided to runaway to this place: Hillsboro, OREGON in US, for an estimated of 365days to complete his assignment. There are a lot of tough nuts over there, but he believes that: "Tough nuts always make the best peanut butter!" :)

Comments (4)

  • Nu


    strawberry 蛮好吃? so is sweet or sour?

    I like de shot for dandelion…i oledi save it as my PC wallpaper =)


    • CooKies™


      Well, not really sweet, not too sour. The tasty part is the softness and juicious. 😉


  • Hahn


    When I saw the title I was expecting both ducks and pigs. Simple brain of mine is just failing lately lol.


    • CooKies™


      Well, there are pigs and ducks, not much, and a bit smelly, so I didn’t take any photo of them. 😛


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