God Bless Japan

Written by CooKies™ on. Posted in Misc

11th March, 2011. A massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake caused serious damage with tsunami to Sendai, Japan.

Somebody asked me:
“If God is Mercy, why He allows such a disaster to happen in Japan?”
“If God is Justice, what did they do to deserve such a mess?”
“If God is Love, why is there so much pain and tears for?


I was muted for awhile. Familiar questions that I asked long time ago…
Well, I don’t really have the answer for these. I only know a fact for sure: “You might not be able to grasp the reasons behind every catastrophe, but you’ll learn something from it.”
And, I realized that people tends to ask for reasons just because they’re taking it for granted. “This should not be like this, should not be like that, blah blah blah..” Don’t you think so? If God is not mercy, I wouldn’t be here anymore I guessed, what else? 😛

而且,我發現當人們不停去追問事情發生的原因時,他們其實已經把很多的事物當成理所當然了,不是嗎?“這不應該這樣,不應該那樣。。” 太多的理所當然讓我們忘記了自己的身份。我想,如果神不是有憐憫的,可能我早就不能活到此時此刻了。

Ganbateh! Japan. God Bless Japan. 🙂

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One day, CooKies received an assignment to make the best peanut butter in the world. Hence, he decided to runaway to this place: Hillsboro, OREGON in US, for an estimated of 365days to complete his assignment. There are a lot of tough nuts over there, but he believes that: "Tough nuts always make the best peanut butter!" :)

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